Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Karma Yoga - Part 1

               One should learn to interpret dharma at a given time . The Gita definitely has much to say about dharma . Every human being is required to know that dharma . The Gita says - yataf pravrttihi bhutanam yena sarvamidam tatam svakarmana tamabhyarcya siddhim vindati manavah - One accomplishes success by worshipping Isvara through one's own karma from whom this entire jagat has come , also by whom it is sustained , by whom it is pervaded ; he who manifests himself in the form of jagat .

                One can become successful by worshipping Isvara . How to worship Isvara ? What is the worship ? Doing one's own karma is worship . What is that karma ? That which is to be done in a given situation . And what is to be done in a given situation is nothing but Isvara in the form of dharma (svadharma -one's own duty) . Generally what you like is what not to be done and what you dislike is what is to be done . These conflicts are common to all . I am not inclined to do this , but it is to be done and when I do it , it becomes my svakarma .Who decides "what is to be done " ? . Isvara , manifest as dharma decides it . Anything appropriate in a given situation is the manifestation of Isvara and that exactly determines svakarma . Svakarma is doing the right thing at the right time and the right place . When I do the right thing , I am in harmony with dharma , in harmony with Isvara . This is called deliberate conscious way of living .

                Your awareness of Isvara in the form of dharma also implies what is appropriate and what is inappropriate . There is no dharma and adharma in eating etiquette or table etiquette . Table etiquette is a big thing in the West . You are supposed to follow certain things . People talk so much while eating . Marriages are decided , big contracts and declarations are signed , national discussions and dialogues take place while eating . That is their etiquette there . I don't say it is right or wrong . But here , in India , you have been told not to talk while eating .

                If that is one way of eating , this is another way of eating . There is no dharma or adharma involved here . There is no right and wrong , but there is such a thing as appropriate and inappropriate . Your behaviour can hurt a person in some way or the other . It is a hurt , a small little hurt , disturbance . Your way of life , your behaviour , your conduct , your words , all these disturb and as long as you find that you disturb people , that means you have room to grow . When I live a life of least disturbance , that is called yoga .

                That is possible only when I am in harmony , when my words and deeds are in harmony with dharma , which is Isvara . As a father , as a mother , as a human , as a son , as a daughter , as a citizen , as a responsible human being , I have certain things to do and certain things I don't do . These actions of mine would be in harmony with Isvara , only if I have the awareness of Isvara . That is the real essence of yoga . There is no secular karma-yoga . Lord Krsna defines yoga as - yogak karmasu kausalam . Skill in action is the general translation of the word kausalam . Kausalam is discretion in action . Doing what is appropriate , doing the right action at the right time , in the right place , using proper words with alertness is called kausalam . That is yoga . It is a life of alertness . If it is in keeping with dharma , karma-yoga is Isvara .

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