The Bhagavad Gita is a jewel of wisdom , authored by Bhagavan Veda Vyasa
who extracted the essence of the Vedas . The Gita offers its reader a
clear view and vision of life . The Gita is a precious gift of Isvara to
mankind , especially for spiritual seekers who are desirous for
liberation , moksha . In The Bhagavad Gita , Lord Krishna reveals that there are two lifestyles enunciated by Him for spiritual seekers to attain moksha . One is through the path of Knowlege (Sankhya-yoga) and another is through the path of Action (Karma-Yoga) . For one whose only desire is moksha , he can take the path of Knowledge whereas for one who is desirous of moksha but also has other desires which he wishes to fulfill , he may take the path of Action (Karma-Yoga ) .
At the mention of Karma-Yoga , many may be confused on what it is actually . Is it a path where I have to dedicate my entire life to devotional service ? Or is it a path where I have to observe many spiritual disciplines such as fasting and meditation ? Or is it a life revolving around temple worship and rituals .
Many such confusions may arise . While many have expressed their individual views and interpretation on Karma-Yoga , His Holiness Pujya Swami Dayananda Saraswati have beautifully explained Karma-Yoga based on the sastras as pramana . With his style of simplicity , he has imparted this nectar of wisdom in his article "Karma-Yoga" from the "Isvara In One's Life " book which was written based on his talks . Even a person who has never chanted the slokas of Karma-Yoga ( Chapter 3 of the Bhagavad Gita ) will understand what karma-yoga is by reading Pujya Swamiji's article . Here , I present you that article in 3 parts .
Karma Yoga - Part 1
Karma Yoga - Part 2
Karma Yoga - Part 3
It is my sincere hope that you would read this article . Questions and comments are most welcomed . May the blessings of Isvara be ever upon us .
Signing off ,
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