Friday, May 22, 2015


Who is Ishvara ?

The Lord is called Ishvara . Ishvara is the one who protects , sustains and the one who is a source of blessing . This Ishvara , who we say is the cause of this scheme of things called jagat , is to be discovered not believed . The world (jagat) is not only put together , but it is intelligently put together . Anything put together intelligently to serve a purpose , is preceded by knowledge . Whatever is intelligently put together is called creation and intelligence can only rest in a conscious being .

This intelligent conscious being , to account for the creation of its world , should have the knowledge of creation and that knowledge should be total knowledge , because we are talking of the total world . The one who has samagram jñānam (total knowledge) and samagram vīryam (total skill) to create is called Bhagavan or Ishvara . Ishvara is both the maker and the material and hence , the jagat is a manifestation of Ishvara . Manifestation means it is not separate from the material . It is an intelligent manifestation .

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