Friday, May 3, 2013

Simple Prayers to Deities

Lord Ganesha

suklambaradharam visnum , sasivarnam caturbhujam
prasanna-vadanam dhyayet , sarvavighnopasantaye

Meaning :

Lord Vighnesvara , who wears a white garment , who is all-pervading , who has a bright complexion ( like the full moon ) , who has four hands ( representing all power ) , who has an ever-smiling face , upon that deity may one meditate , for the removal of all obstacles .

Sri Devi

sarva mangala mangalye , sive sarvarthasadhake 
saranye tryambake gauri , narayani namo'stute

Meaning :

Salutations to you , Narayani who is the auspiciousness of all that is auspicious , who is the consort of Lord Siva , who is the means of accomplishing all desires , who is the refuge of all , who is the consort of the three-eyed Lord Siva ( tryambake gauri ) and who is the fair complexioned one .

Sarasvati Devi

sarasvati namastubhyam , varade kamarupini
vidyarambham karisyami , siddhirbhavatu me sada

Meaning :

Salutations to you O Goddess Sarasvati , who is the giver of boons and who has a beautiful form ! I begin my studies . Let there be success for me always .

Signing off ,

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