Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Pujya Swami Dayananda Saraswati’s 2015 New Year Message

Happy New Year. Ring in the new. Ring out the old. Past is gone. it is there only in our memory. The future is going to unfold and whatever it is going to unfold, we are ready to receive. We need to be ready.Years of our life help us receive the New Year with a better poise, with a better capacity to understand. We have better perception in short. We want our desires to be fulfilled in the New Year.

From our past experience, we know that all our desires do not get fulfilled. In the diary only the first page is written. Desires can be fulfilled. It need not be fulfilled. We work for fulfillment of our desires. Desires constitute one’s life. If they do not get fulfilled, they leave the person unhappy. In the New Year we make a decision to have desires, but learn to manage them.

If fulfilled we are happy. If not, we try to fulfill them. There are so many reasons for the desires not getting fulfilled. In all of them we cannot claim success. Being in the right place at the right time is success. We do not know what is the right place and right time. Therefore we just pray.

Prayer brings about grace as its result. Earn this grace by prayer, by good deeds and reaching out deeds. Keep some grace under your belt.

This year will be meaningful and graceful. May the year give you a lot a grace.

This is my New Year wish.

Happy New Year. Thank you.

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