Sunday, December 21, 2014

Sri Hanuman Jayanthi 2014


"Man has been searching for God on earth and in heaven since time immemorial and the search has been fruitless. his search for God represents the human urge for fullness, for inner fulfillment, in an otherwise afflicted existence. This timeless pursuit is beautifully depicted in the great epic Ramayana, in the form of Hanuman's (हनुमान) allegorical search for Sita (सीता) .

Sita represents Santi (
शान्ति) or inner quietude, another name for the bliss of fulfillment. Hanuman does not succeed in his search as long as he remains searching in Lanka, the city of Ravana (रावण), which represents world with its myriad sense objects. However, the moment he turns his back on Lanka, he is in the asoka grove (अशोक वाटिका), and finds Sita without any effort. Similarly human heart is asoka grove, wherein abides timeless and boundless quietude, the santi and fulfillment of our prayers; man has only to look within."

By : Swami Tattvavidananda Saraswati  

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